Sunday, May 17, 2009

Interesting Quote: Michael Steele

"Now all of a sudden I've got someone who wasn't a spouse before, that I had no responsibility for, who is now getting claimed as a spouse that I now have financial responsibility for.

So how do I pay for that? Who pays for that? You just cost me money.You don't have to wear your pants cut down here or the big bling,"

Silly Steele claiming that Gay marriage will hurt America's wallets.

Fool, please!

Is that the best y'all can do? I guess Gay marriage will melt the polar ice caps and stop time.



  1. Didn't he say a few weeks ago that he didn't get why the idea of gay marriage hurt people?

    This is entirely political.

  2. Give him a mnite, he'll change his tune and say something completely different.
    He always does.

  3. Michael Steele is so far gone, it's impossible to save his fool ass self by now. The man has become a complete mockery... I think is an attempt to regain favor from within his Party.

    Poor Michael. How does he sleep at night? But I'll say this much, Clarence Thomas (remember him?) has gotta be smiling awfully hard right about now.

  4. >You don't have to wear your pants cut down here or the big bling," <

    What the heck does this sentence mean?

  5. I think it's funny how they seem to have a problem with what our marriages will supposedly cost them, but have no problem making us pay for there marriages and sending there children to public school. Last i checked my taxes aren't reduced because I have no spouse or children.

  6. Yet another seriously stupid idea from a seriously stupid man.
