Thursday, May 7, 2009

Interesting Quote: DC's Mayor, Adrian Fenty

''I think you can certainly anticipate that [gay marriage] is in the future of the District of Columbia. How soon, we don't know. But this is a huge step forward in being -- having a law that recognizes marriages from other jurisdictions. And I do believe that nationally there's movement on this issue. Just in the past six to 12 months -- you just announced Maine being the latest state to grant same-sex marriages. I think, just as marriage used to prohibit people from different races from being able to marry each other in this country, and that was done away with; I think prohibiting same-sex marriage will be done away with also in this country.''

Mayor Fenty talking about D.C.'s future

1 comment:

  1. I always knew Adrian was a brother going places, even back in high school. Glad to see he's done wonders as Mayor and is open-minded! Kudos to him...
