Thursday, May 14, 2009

An "F"? Obama hasn't taken the Test yet!

Somewhat revised...Sorry for multitasking
So some of our family is mad at Obama about DADT and DOMA. And now he’s being graded on his Gay Rights stance. Dan gave him an “F”, however if you think about it…Obama is still in the 1st semester, so to grade him now is very silly.

Yes, Obama made promises to improve Gay Rights during his campaign. But if I remember correctly, he never said. “ I will repeal all gay stuff on May 20th by 5pm.” He never said there was a date to repeal DOMA and DADT; so why are we holding this against him? I know he can write off DADT, but that move could be risky, not only for him, but for the LGBT folks in uniform.

He just can’t write it off without a plan, that’s stupid. There has to be something in place to protect our LGBT soldiers, because let’s be real, some of those military folks are not the brightest or open-minded people. The last thing our folks need to worry about is a war outside and within their team. So there has to be some policy in place to protect them. And once again, Obama needs that support to repeal DADT and DOMA. Remember how Bush was treated when he jumped the gun with no support?

Also, I have to say that some gays are becoming very fickle. Some of them are just shouting out Obama is a bigot and other foolishness with no true reason behind it. With some of our achievements as of late, I wonder if they ever stop to think…Would this have happened under McCain? Hell no! Or better…Would Hillary repeal DADT and DOMA? No! So stop trying to find fault and show some respect. We are making huge changes, in fact, change is happening. If some gays get off their high-heeled horses, they will see that we are further ahead than we think.

Obama will come through and in four years, we can truly give him the grade he deserves.


  1. Here here, well said.

  2. I agree with you in part, but I grow more annoyed not by what he hasn't done, but by what he doesn't say.
    As these last couple of states have passed marriage equality he has said nothinh. Marriage equality is a long overdue step and to have the President remain mum on it bothers me.
    I agree he needs time, but I am watching, waiitng, and ready to call him out next election cycle if he hasn't done anything.
