Friday, April 3, 2009

Vermont has voted for Gay Marriage

Big news! After talking and talking for 4 hours, the Vermont House of Representatives made gay marriage legal however, the bill faces a veto from the governor (Hater).

The house voted 95-52 in favor of the bill, which had already cleared the state Senate in a 26-4 vote.

Still, the governor wants veto it.

But his stank ass veto would not kill the bill. The members of the House and Senate can override the veto by securing a two-thirds majority of support in each chamber. The Senate would need 20 votes; the House would need 100 votes.

The governor is a fool to veto this bill. He should see how this can change everything. He can be the a part of movement or a foolish man using ignorance as an excuse to halt gay marriage.

Gov. James Douglas, don't f**k it up!


  1. There was talk early on that the governor wouldn't sign the bill, but let it become law without his signature.
    That way he could save face and appease the rightwing by saying he never voted for gay marriage, and also appease the liberals saying he allowed the bill to become law.
    Let's hope he chooses not to veto....and not to sign.

  2. He's probably paid off to do so.

  3. He's a Repug, he'll veto it. But it is already known that the legislature plans to override any veto.

    And Iowa, did you hear? They now have marriage equality too.
