Saturday, April 25, 2009

Randomness of the past week

I'm planning the RA banquet and it's a headache. There's things about this event that has not been fun at all. I'm learning that folks don't adhere to directions, deadlines and emails. Grown folks whine like kids and one misstep will be the guilt trip of the month. So I will pass that pleasure to someone else for next year.

A old friend of mind died recently and it made my old crew and I think about our lives. We have been very fortunate and I don't think we realize that enough. So I need to make time to appreciate the simple things in life.

We need good gay leaders. We need them out in front, speaking and standing strong for us. Having Perez Hilton as our mouthpiece...hurts.

I'm steps away from taking my 1st screenwriting class, which is exciting, but the $500 deposit is killing me. That money came from my next Louis Vuitton purchase fund! But this is for my future, I just need to remind myself of that.

I think L.A. is a sham. This week, I had a hipster tell me he's original. However, he's wearing the tight jeans, Zak Efron hair and that damn scarf. I told him that originality died after 1989 and he just looks like everybody else. He was shocked, especially when he saw 4 other guys in a similar outfit.

This week I have found myself thinking that Levi Johnston, Stephen Colbert, Danny McBride and Chuck Todd are very cute guys.

And we finally bought tickets to the East Coast for our summer trip...NYC here I come!

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking forward to hearing about your class. It should be a better investment right now than the Louis Vuitton.
