Thursday, April 16, 2009

Question of the Day...Texas style

So, Texas may want to leave the Union. I don't know if you heard, but during the Tea Bag Flea Market folks in Texas were screaming "Secede!" to dumbass, Gov. Rick Perry.

So my question is...If we let Texas become their own country, what would happen?


  1. First, they couldn't make it on their own. They depend on government funding for roads, schools, etc far too much to all the sudden not have that money.

    Second, they would realize just how of a dumbass their elected officials are, and would come crying back.

  2. Comedian Lewis Black said that Bill Clinton was reason enough to never let another politician from Arkansas into that office again.
    However, THIS could be reason enough to never have another LBJ(D) or Bush II(R)... so there could be a definite upside.

  3. If Texas succeeds in seceding, the average intelligence of Americans goes up.

  4. J.R. Ewing for President of Texas!

  5. It can't happen. Lincoln made it clear that a priority of the President is to ensure that the union stays together. Plus there would be no way for Texas to defend itself.

    Ironically they might be taken over by Mexico.
