Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Miss California no longer...She is Lady NOM!

Carrie! I would have thought you would sit down, gather yourself and get come back smarter and wiser, but no, you are sealing the deal with foolishness!

In Politico, Ben Smith reports:

Miss California, Carrie Prejean, who offered memorable opposition (above) to same-sex marriage and a young, attractive new face for the movement against it, will appear tomorrow at a press conference hosted by the National Organization for Marriage at the National Press Club, according to a press release from the group.

She'll be launching a new ad, the second in what the group says is a $1.5 million campaign.

The ad, the release says, will address:

What happens when a young California beauty pageant contestant is asked, "Do you support same-sex marriage?" She is attacked viciously for having the courage to speak up for her truth and her values. But Carrie's courage inspired a whole nation and a whole generation of young people because she chose to risk the Miss USA crown rather than be silent about her deepest moral values. "No Offense" calls gay marriage advocates to account for their unwillingness to debate the real issue: Gay marriage has consequences.

Why? Why? Does Carrie understand that her future is ruined? This will shut doors and really bring the Hateration.

Is she that hard up for attention? And how much are they paying her to sell her soul?


  1. She has no soul except the one she believes was given to her by Jesus... And, that's only according to the awful people who preach at her church.

    She's the perfect poster-child for a group of people who take pride in their prejudice.

  2. shaking my head and sighing

    also thinking all kinds of profanity
