Monday, April 27, 2009

Iowa, God don't have Time for This

Guess what? Gay marriage is on in Iowa today. I'm still a little shocked that Iowa is the 3rd state that allows us to have a picket fence.

Yet, to some folks are thinking it's the beginning of Satan's reign.

Gloria Villaneuva of Bonaparte organized the statewide prayer service to express her opposition to the Iowa supreme court ruling that legalized same-sex marriage earlier this month. Prayer participants were urged to report to their local county courthouse at 7:45 a.m. and join vigils like this one captured by the Ottumwa Courier.

They say prayer works, however I think I this one prayer that will go unanswered (sorry, to those who believe)

1 comment:

  1. God some people are so ignorant...I mean I am sure God knows what is going on without them praying so...
