Monday, April 20, 2009

Interesting Quote: Miss California Carrie Prejean

“It did cost me my crown. I wouldn’t have had it any other way. I said what I feel. I stated an opinion that was true to myself and that’s all I can do. It is a very touchy subject and he is a homosexual and I see where he (Perez Hilton) was coming from and I see the audience would’ve wanted me to be more politically correct. But I was raised in a way that you can never compromise your beliefs and your opinions for anything.”

Girl, you blew it!



  1. More power to her. To be honest, I'm glad she stuck to her convictions and said what she really felt. While I disagree with her, I definitely respect her for being honest. Rather than if she'd lied, then won, then it came out later that she felt the way she did while she had the crown on her head. I wish more people were this honest. At least then we could know where they stand and support or not support them correctly. The PC thing may silence people when they speak to our faces, but they scream it that much louder to their kids when they get home.

    Besides, who said she would've won if she had lied? Is she using her convictions as a scapegoat for why she lost? Do you think she would have won if she said she loves the idea of same sex marriage?

  2. Yeah, I kinda agree. The last thing we needed is another Anita Bryant. We know how she feels beforehand. What the community needs to do now is give this girl an knowledge about how her beliefs are discriminating against people even if she doesn't think she is.

    And if she tries to ride this to fame, I will snatch that Paris Hilton extension off her head!

  3. I wonder if she lost not so much for what she said but for how she presented her opinion. She came across as the stereotypical dumb blonde form California. If she'd sounded more confident in her tone and didn't stumble, she may have actually scored a bit better. Just my opinion.

  4. I respect her honesty, but this is a pageant and she should have tried to politically correct in her answer...
