Wednesday, April 29, 2009

How Dumbass Uneducated Heterosexuals cause me to Roll my Eyes

Iowa...just when I thought it was safe...

So there an editorial in the Des Moines Register about a family losing their son to AIDS. But this story blames the powers of gayness as the reason why this man died. Then they goes as far to say that we are a cult and we cause pain to families (you got to love our God-like powers)

Here's a piece of the article:

For years, my wife and I have watched the media and homosexual activists work together to redefine family and marriage in our society. The consistent message has been that homosexual "marriage" will hurt no one, and that those of us who support marriage only between one man and one woman will not be impacted. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Our hearts go out to people caught up in homosexuality. The destruction and pain that homosexuality leaves in its wake is deep and impacts so many more than just the individuals caught up in the activity. We now know several other couples who are struggling with a son who chose to engage in homosexuality. We know the pain they endure, and understand when they reach out for help. One person's homosexuality causes stress and strain on every friend and relative who truly cares about them.

For the Iowa Supreme Court to sanction homosexual "marriage" is to encourage and underwrite the negative results that naturally come from the homosexual "lifestyle." Aside from the physical destruction inflicted on those who practice homosexuality and the incredible stress homosexuals cause their extended families, society often pays a hefty price as well. Randy lost his job when he was no longer strong enough to work. With the loss of that job, he lost his ability to insure himself. As a result, you the taxpayer paid for more than $250,000 in medical bills for this one AIDS patient.

And for kicks, here's a video


  1. And they're wrong about gay friends abandoning those with HIV. I was there to the bitter end with a few friends that went HIV+ to AIDS in a short time span.

  2. I wonder how they feel about the millions of heterosexuals who have contracted the virus?

    Nothing to say?

    I didn't think so.
