Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Here comes the Party Poopers: The National Organization for Marriage Attacks

I should've known that MESS was coming around the corner after our gay marriage victory. The National Organization for Marriage is trying to scare folks about gay marriage, claiming we will DESTROY society.

Again, I'm always amazed at the power we supposedly have to end the world and bring the all-mighty Satan on Earth. So silly, sad, funny at times.

They are going to run ads like this in several states for at least 8 times a day.

Will they ever learn?

Check out this ad

More info is here
and here.


  1. Was it me, or did a lot of those people set off your gaydar?

  2. Thats ok, RI Gov Carcieri just had a press conference in which he announced his support for NOM.

    Not only that, dumbass said marriage equality is not a civil rights issue. Doh!

  3. In our family we have two long term lesbian couples - about 50+ years between them. Somehow I doubt all the other marriages in the family would spontaneously combust if all my aunts were allowed to marry.

  4. Goodness gracious! Do these people know how to scare the living shit out of you or what.
