Friday, April 24, 2009

Carl Walker-Hoover's Mother Speaks on Ellen

Sirdeaner L. Walker appears on Ellen to talk about her son


  1. she is SO brave...I would be a wreck on that show...

  2. Sometimes it takes a horrible event to act as a catalyst.

    I agree with Ellen, we should have a daily compassion exercise. Make it five or ten minutes a day to affirm that differences aren't something to fear. Emphasize the value of the individual but also emphasize the value of compassion for others.

  3. Sirdeaner - I know you wont remember me, but we knew each other back in the late 70's. I lived in Hampden, Mass and you still lived in Springfield. I am not sure how we knew each other, I went to Thornton Burgess Middle School. We used to talk on the phone quite a bit back in the 7th grade. My name was Robin Staubly. I read this article and was deeply saddened. I commend you on all you are doing to bring the subject of bullying to the forefront. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
    Robin Geller
