Thursday, April 9, 2009

Another loss due to Bullying

This is really crushing me right now...

Please read:

The mother of an 11-year-old sixth-grader who committed suicide by wrapping an extension cord around his neck and hanging himself says her son’s death could have been prevented -- he was a victim of school bullying, she says.

Sirdeaner L. Walker said she found her son Carl Joseph Walker-Hoover dead on the second floor of their Springfield, Mass., home. She said he had endured another day of teasing from his fellow classmates.

“I just want to help some other child,” she said. “I know there are other kids being picked on, and it's day in and day out."

Carl played football, basketball, and was a boy scout -- but that didn’t stop other kids from picking on him, his mom said. Students called him gay and made fun of him for the way he dressed.

Sirdeaner Walker said she began phoning his school repeatedly when Carl first told her about the bullying last September, but she says the school was unresponsive.

This madness has to end. I urge people to demand the Schools District Boards to make Bullying a high priority. How many more do we have to lose? When will schools send a stronger message?



  1. Poor sweet child... I was bullied in school and ended up being virtually mute for 4 or 5 years. And the teachers did nothing, of course.

  2. Kids can be so cruel and it is hard to understand how teachers can just standby and ignore the problem.

  3. Kids can be absolute monsters. I recall my junior year of high school. We had to go and do what we called "Apostolic Frolic". I got assigned to a local elementary school, 2nd grade.

    Never wanted to put a kid through a wall more than that day. I lasted 2 hours. My next assignment was the Diocesan library. Nice, sedate, and it didn't matter if I showed up or not.

  4. Lord the days long gone when kids just enjoyed being kids...
