Wednesday, April 15, 2009

ACLU demandins Tennessee schools unblock access to Gay Websites

Mess in my home state, as usual.

The ACLU LGBT Project, ACLU First Amendment Working Group, and the ACLU of Tennessee have joined together to stop foolishness in the Rocky Mountain state.

Knox County Schools and Metro Nashville Public School do not allow their students to access any LGBT information from the web. The school districts are illegally blocking any and every LGBT thing you can think of, including GLSEN and HRC websites(I guess they think it's porn). But here's the funny thing, the students can access all the anti-gay info they can; there's no limit there.

This is a violation of the First Amendment and the state constitution as well. ACLU has demanded the school districts to restore all access to the LGBT sites by the start of the 2009-2010 school year. I wish them good luck.



  1. Love that ACLU. Will have to donate to them next month...

  2. It made it difficult during research paper time for students to access information on a variety of subjects that were blocked. I taught American Lit and was blocked from Moby Dick until I googled Herman Melville. Then I discovered that some of my students went on those sites with videos where people were being decapitated. I was horrified.

    So where is the logic in that? Crazy!!
