Sunday, April 26, 2009

10 places we can create from the future Ex-American state of Texas

  1. A huge prison state.
  2. Home of Misfit Toys
  3. Shangri La
  4. Krypton
  5. Htrae (Bizarro World Earth spelled backwards)
  6. A place we can send all the tea baggers and racists
  7. Themyscira
  8. Savage Land
  9. A Gladiator training state
  10. Neverland


  1. Boooooooooooooooooooo! lol

    I happen to be from Texas. Pft! (heh). Believe it or not there are tons of wonderful and open minded people here...

    Anyway, there will never be a secession. The Feds will NEVER let that happen.
    And by freak accident, if it did, I am defecting quick, fast, and in a hurry. Tejas is a beautiful place...BUT I'll not live outside the United States with the possibility of Chuck Norris becoming President!

  2. Google still hasn't fixed the tinytext issue with Firefox 3.0.9. Anyhow, I imagine another good use if Texas secedes.

    It can be a disciplinary device for parents as in "I'll send you to Texas if you don't behave!"

  3. They've already beaten us to the punch on a few of those idea.

  4. Sorry Toddy, but I know you got better sense than some of those folks

  5. Not to be too uneducated and misinformed, but is it even possible for ANY state to leave the Union at this juncture? Succeed and REMAIN separate?

    Here's my question, why hasn't the US formally granted statehood to our territories like P.R. and such??? I know I'd GLADLY exchange Puerto Rico for "Tejas" any day!

    Sorry Toddy...If it helps, I respect a heap of folks from the Lone Star State, including you bro!
