Wednesday, March 4, 2009


So I blog a lot about politics, gay stuff, horror movies and comic books at times. But I really don't talk about my real life.

I work at University of Southern California, I'm an Assistant Director of Residential Education, I'm obsessed with Ralph Lauren and Jamba Juice. And I have an awesome partner. However, I've been thinking about switching or adding a different career. Student Affairs is my chosen career path, but creating stories is another passion of mine.

I have written scripts, drawn comics and completed a book throughout the years. This blog is another way for me to improve my writing skills. Just recently, I applied to the USC Cinema School, and if you don't know, USC is well known for their Cinema School. The admission letters will go out in a month, and I have to say that I'm a little nervous.

If I get in, great, I can begin my new journey in creating gay and horror films. If I don't, life goes on. But I will try again, I can't take defeat well at all.

I don't know why I'm sharing this, but I thought I would put it out there. Changing careers will be crazy, especially now at 35. Still, if I get this chance I'm taking it. I'm sure this will be fun, stressful and challenging. But I like that, it's the spice of life.


  1. it is good to learn about the personal things in your life from time to time...GAY HORROR MOVIES? I am down with that...

  2. Thanks for the insight Mr Mysterious! I really hope you get into USC Cinema School; it's a courageous move and you should be rewarded for that.

    Interesting that you look at blogging as a way to improve your writing skills, it's the same for me.

  3. Good luck! And good for you for going after your dreams!

  4. Good luck!!

    A few years ago I applied and got into UCLA law school and ended up not going--I often think about I would be doing differently now if I had made a different choice!

  5. Seriously, it takes a brave man to up and change direction in his life. I did it when I was in my early 20's (when I moved to NYC), but I didn't have an established direction yet. But to do it now would scare me to death. Good luck.

    Speaking of scared to death, I feel like my LIFE is a gay horror movie! :)

    Thanks for sharing - it's always nice to know a little more about my blogger friends.


  6. I visit your blog every day, so it's really cool to learn more about you. Best of luck!
