Friday, March 13, 2009

Question of the Day

Were any of you in a clique growing up?

I hate to say it, but I was in high school and college.


  1. I was petrifyingly shyin high school so i was cliqueless.
    in college, I think I just didn't like the idea of a clique, so I was the anti-clique.

  2. High school. I was part of the bunch that wrote the parody newspaper for the school.

    The legit was called the Maroon and White, ours was called the Orange and Blue.

    Distribution was to both students AND faculty. We even had a faculty editor after the first couple of issues.

  3. Sort of in high school. I was in the group of leaders in clubs and activities. It was a small town, though, so we all knew each other.

    In college I was in with the drama people. I was in a sorority but had more friends who were independents. So no clique in college.

  4. I was a social butterfly in high school. So I flittered from clique to clique, yet had my homepeoples. I hanged with the hip-hoppers, punk rockers, trendoids, geeks and even the GLBT kids.

    My core group of friends met every morning, we called ourselves, yup you guessed it, THE BREAKFAST CLUB.

  5. yeah I suppose I entire high school classmates were my clique...we were the top students and the other kids hated us...though we gave them more than enough reason to hate on us...high school is such a B!TCH....

  6. In high school I was in a clique - but definitely not an A-list one.

    In college I became a social animal. I couldn't walk down the street at Penn State without running into 15 people I knew. It was fantastic.

    Then when I graduated and came out of the closet, I became fast friends with a group of guys that hung out at the gay club in Harrisburg, PA. Most of those bitches are still my good friends to this very day.


    BTW - Check out my "Dust Bunny of the Week" post today. You have been added to my "Dust Bunny Blogroll"!

  7. I wouldn't join any clique that would have me as a member...

  8. I was a loner.

    "Hell is other people."
