Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day


  1. Now that's cute. I loved Wall-E too.

    But this time of year, I have to downplay the Irish ancestry for the Italian is the predominant side and that calls for the Festa di San Giuseppe aka St. Joseph's Day.

    We don't dye things green, we just make this little pastries called Zepoles. They're filled with boiled cream and while delicious, they're somewhat bad for you.

  2. How cute!!! Love WALL-E!

    Those Zepoles sound delicious!

    My ancestors were English and oppressed everyone, so I don't celebrate St. Patty's Day, but do acknowledge it.

  3. "My ancestors were English and oppressed everyone, so I don't celebrate St. Patty's Day, but do acknowledge it."

    Joy - St Patrick's Day is Irish, and nothing to do with the English, except for the fact the the English actively oppressed and terrorised the Irish right up until a few years back.

    Why aren't Americans able to differentiate between English, Irish and Scots? Oh yeah, insularity. The English are big on that too, so you got a lot in common with you ancestors ;)
