Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Drama for Bristol and Levi

Blister and Lil Abner are not getting married, in fact, they have called it off. The teen dream couple planned to marry after finishing their education.

But Levi's jealous sister, has sold them out. Mercede Johnston went to Star Magazine saying that Bristol actually broke up with Levi awhile ago and rarely lets Levi see their son.

And to continue the drama, Mercede said that Bristol hates him and wished the baby wasn't his.

I'm not sure if Mercede is desperate for money or drugs, but this is low. I wonder how long this Teen Drama will last.



  1. Well, the fact that they called off the marriage doesn't surprise me. In fact, I always thought the whole thing was a facade just to damper any potential threats to Sarah Palin's campaign.

    Who knows how much longer this drama will play out! I'm hoping not until after 2012.

  2. I'm with Kevin, it was clear from the beginning that this was the political wedding of the 21st century. There was talk about this wedding being an "October Surprise" during the campaign.

    I really hope that Bristol can get her privacy at school and support. My issue isn't with her, but rather her mother's political base, who now have no reason anymore to doubt that abstinence-only programs do not work.
