Thursday, March 12, 2009

Again, God needs a New PR Team part 2

As y'all know, I'm not religious, spiritual or God-fearing. My college experience killed it for me, mostly because I saw how divisive religion could be. God chosen folk would claim that my friends and I had a demon in us and we would corrupt others.

And while I laughed it off and welcomed my possession, some of my friends took it seriously and still struggles with accepting their sexuality.

To give you an idea of the foolishness I experienced, I found a couple clips from Joe.My.God...this is not cute.

pure madness...and this group has a website


  1. It's funny I lived in Bridgeport for four years and this is the first time I am hearing about this folks.

    And to be Christianity's Devil's Advocate for a second, I used to go to a Church in Bridgeport that was I guess the polar opposite to this nonsense. We had a gay pianist (obviously), and for a while there was an open transgender person that used to pop in every now and again. And all of the ministers were pretty much your Northeastern liberal batch of heretics, I guess, that placed the Bible in its proper context.

    All of that being said, it is sad to see these kinds of things still happening. Especially when you take into account many of the old African religious that African-American ancestors brought over was more 'progressive' in their understand of sexuality than the Puritan Christianity that was pushed on the slaves.

  2. I've got a church like that across the street from me. So far, I've not seen them do anything as outrageous as this, but, they've come close.

  3. Pardon my French but what the f**k? I have got to go on YouTube to read the comments on this clip. Wonder Man has totally blown my mind today!

  4. Scary! How soon are the evangelicals supposed to wind down? Not soon enough for me.
