Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Trail Blazers now Divorce Papers

Sad news for gay marriage. Hillary Goodridge and Julie Goodridge, the iconic gay couple whose court battle flourished the legalization of same-sex marriage in Massachusetts has filed for divorce last week.

The reason for the separation are between them and only them. The two share custody of their 12-year-old daughter, nothing has been said about any changes with that. This is disheartening to hear, however you got to do what you got to do.

Hillary's mother said: “I wish I could talk them into staying together, but I don’t see how."

1 comment:

  1. Lesbian Bed Death. It is a serious problem.

    That said, we've got a the Ormiston v. Chambers case about to hit the RI courts again, this time under a Constitutional violation.

    It'll be a major shit storm though because the law(s) they're challenging in seeking their divorce is none other than the Family Court Act of 1967. If the courts find that it does discriminate, the whole act gets scrapped.

    One judge even castigated the legislature for failing to act on the matter.

    It's actually going to be a fun judicial season this year.
