Wednesday, February 25, 2009

To the GOP Governors who may reject the Stimulus Bill

GOP Governors! Mark Sanford, Rick Perry and Bobby Jindal! As you continue to talk about possibly rejecting the stimulus bill, I want you to think about the children that will suffer, the schools that are falling apart, the businesses that are closing and the families who are doing whatever to survive in your states.

Trying to pose yourself as a strong leader is a cheap ploy. How dare you, put people in jeopardy for your own gains. That, my friends is unpatriotic.

People need and Governors to work and stand up for them, not punish them for nothing. As I said before, they need that money, they need that spark of hope.

GOP Governors, do something right and support your REAL constituents. If you are truly worthy of a Presidential nomination, then the universe will give you that opportunity. But until then, serve the people!

The Huckleberry Hound pic represents Bobby Jindal.

*UPDATE* I meant Governors, but I said Senators...Thanks to Mad Professah for the heads up.