Friday, February 13, 2009

This is how I earned my Gay Card

I get giddy every time I watch these clips


  1. Spin! Spin! Spin! What a blast, I loved this show so much, and it wasn't just because Linda has the most symmetrical face in the world. How dizzy did we all get trying to make our clothes look more fabulous!
    Shall I wear the cape? The Motorcycle Helmont? Accessories are EVERYTHING!
    Thanks for this blast from the past

  2. Love her. I remember watching this when I was a kid, but explain something to me: Is her outfit ruined everytime she change? What about her purse and the contents? I'd think it'll be rather expensive for her if that's what happens...

  3. Oh my god you too?! I don't know what it was but when I was little Wonder Woman reruns just SPOKE to me.
    To this day I have this fascination with really powerful women. I attribute it to Wonder Woman.

    Oh did you know there is a comic character called WonderMan?

  4. That made me kinda dizzy, but I loved it! Wow, those street clothes were very 70's school teacher.

  5. This just proves to me that there is indeed a gay gene. Be it watching Wonder Woman spin for the first time, Barbara Gordon flip a switch and her make up table rotates to reveal her Batgirl drag and hot motorcycle, Emma Peel flipping a goon with a judo hold, Mighty Isis praying to the zephyr winds to help her fly or even the first time seeing Bette Davis pops her eyes and shoot a man in the back, there is always a key moment when we recognize that the giddy reaction we have to watching a woman take charge is not the same way other folks view these same scenes.

  6. I loved this show when I was little and weren't Linda's outfits to die!!! She looked mighty PIMP in a number of em. I had never seen the episode that she used the skateboard and matching skate gear. And I find it mighty funny that WonderWoman needed a helmet or knee and elbow pads but hey safety first kids!! My last encounter with geek-gasm was when Wondy spun and changed on the Justice League Unlimited show!! I squealed like a...well you know!! My little boy came out!! LOL!!!
