Monday, February 9, 2009

Smith working to bring Gay Marriage to New York

At a Human Rights Campaign on Saturday, Senate Majority Leader Malcolm A. Smith wowed the crowd about same sex marriage coming to New York, however reality kicked in as he continued his speech.

“Although we do not have the number of votes at this time needed to pass the marriage equality gender bill this legislative session, we are committed to pursuing its passage. And the question is not if; the question is when. So our work still needs to happen for it to happen this year. But I’m going to need your help, and I’m going to need your prayers.”

He working on it, but this could be long journey. Remember, he was dealing with the 'Gang of Three' during his selection just a few months ago. It will not be easy gaining all the needed votes, but I think the support is there.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think so.

    What he did was to essentially cave to Ruben Diaz, and allowed him (Diaz) to have the last laugh in the whole gay marriage brouhaha.

    That less than once month, and already he's subscribed to the Republican playbook of fear mongering, speaks volumes as to his inability to serve as Majority Leader.

    If he's really's for gay marriage, then, as someone else on another blog suggested, what he'll do is introduce the bill, let the Senate vote, we see who voted yes or no, and let the pros from dover take it from there.
