Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Question of the Day

What is the big deal about Brent Corrigan?

To each their own...but I like some meat on my chicken.


  1. that is really stupid, this pic is 3 or 4 years old, B looks completely different now and has a lot more meat on his bones.

  2. I agree. As far as that particular flavour of icecream goes, I'd rather have any of the Bel Ami boys (who're picture perfect, well-endowed in all areas, and have that sweet European innocence).

    I guess Brent Corrigan has a few things going for him - a pretty decent booty, and he's clearly a complete ho (always a good thing in his line of work to actually love sex)...

    But as twinky white American bottoms go isn't Roman Heart the last word? (not really a twink anymore though I suppose and he's slightly racially ambiguous anyway).

    I could go on and on on this theme for hours, so i'll shut up now.

  3. Someone should feed this poor boy..

  4. Because there's an underlying, bizarre fascination as to how much he figures in the murder of Bryan Kocis.

    That's what the big deal is.

    He's a fuck worth dying - or killing - for.

  5. Anon, this isn't stupid, this reality. He is a big deal for some strange reason. And regardless of the pic he still looks the same. But I'm not a fan so I wouldn't care or know the difference

  6. I suppose part of the appeal is that he has that universal/eternal barely legal look to him, and if that is your cup of tea, or hopefully not lower, he supplies a contact legal venue to "get your freak on".

    I agree with you V, regardless of how old the picture is, he still exactly the same. With exception speckles facial hair.

    He seems nice and he takes his job seriously.

    But in general the fan fare seems a bit overrated at best. In this day and age porn stars like Corrigan seem a dime a dozen. If anything he seems to be still riding the wave he had when he was 'younger'.

  7. Now, the big deal is that he really knows how to act!!
    ( heh heh heh ) and he hasn't been short-changed in the naughty bits department either. I think he's a little cutey. I know, I know,
    "There's no fool like and old fool!" ;-)

  8. Brent Corrigan is going to reach 30, and have one hell of a crisis. Poor boy.

  9. if anybody thinks this guy is skinny (and that there is anything wrong with that) you must be a fat tub of lard.
