Sunday, February 15, 2009

No Love for Clinton

Former President Bill Clinton will be speaking today at the annual convention of the International Franchise Association at the Manchester Grand Hyatt in San Diego.

Normally, this is nothing because Bill speaks everywhere. But this time, the location is in question. The owner of the hotel contributed over $100k in support of Prop 8. Folks are upset at Clinton for being there because it seems he doesn't care. Now that's a huge assumption, but some folks are feeling betrayed by Bill.

Since the owner's donations were made public, many groups canceled conventions and events at the hotel - costing Manchester’s facility almost $2 million in business. These groups includes the International Foundation of Employee Benefits, the San Diego Board of Realtors, the American Assn. of Law Schools and the California Nurses Association.

So today, there will be a protest outside the hotel. Maybe Clinton will come out and talk to the angry gays and allies. He needs some good press.

1 comment:

  1. I'm surprised by this... I wonder if he did speak to the issue...
