Monday, February 23, 2009

NAACP says Prop 8 is WRONG

I knew Benjamin wouldn't let me down.

In lieu of their 100th anniversary, the NAACP said they were going to make some changes...starting with a strong statement about Prop 8. Benjamin and NAACP national board chair Julian Bond sent a letter to legislative leaders pushing the passage of House Resolution 5 and Senate Resolution 7, to make Prop 8 unconstitutional.

Benjamin said:

“The NAACP’s mission is to help create a society where all Americans have equal protection and opportunity under the law. Our mission statement calls for the ‘equality of rights of all persons.’ Prop. 8 strips same-sex couples of a fundamental freedom, as defined by the California State Supreme Court. In so doing, it poses a serious threat to all Americans. Prop 8 is a discriminatory, unprecedented change to the California Constitution that, if allowed to stand, would undermine the very purpose of a constitution and courts–assuring equal protection and opportunity for all and safeguarding minorities from the tyranny of the majority.”

Hopefully this will remind folks that Black folks supports the gays.

Thanks to Mad Professah for the heads up


  1. That is great news. The marriage equality battle is heating up here in RI too.

    Apparently the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) (Anti-gay of course!) is running radio adds. I got email from Marriage Equality Rhode Island (MERI) and donated $50 under my business name.

    The hearing in the Senate is this Thursday. The NOM folks are planning to start packing the room at 3:30PM, hearing doesn't start until 5:30PM. I plan to be there at 2:30PM and I'm recruiting whoever I can to be there with me.

    NOM's President is Maggie Gallagher. I cannot stand that woman. She's so smug I want to smack the grin off her face.

  2. That is great news. The marriage equality battle is heating up here in RI too.

    Apparently the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) (Anti-gay of course!) is running radio adds. I got email from Marriage Equality Rhode Island (MERI) and donated $50 under my business name.

    The hearing in the Senate is this Thursday. The NOM folks are planning to start packing the room at 3:30PM, hearing doesn't start until 5:30PM. I plan to be there at 2:30PM and I'm recruiting whoever I can to be there with me.

    NOM's President is Maggie Gallagher. I cannot stand that woman. She's so smug I want to smack the grin off her face.

  3. This at the very least shows how progress is being made, particularly in the queer people of color community. We've come a long way from when Bayard Rustin was treated a lepar by the NAACP to this.
