Monday, February 16, 2009

Gay Snipers? WTF?

Some folks in West Virginia would love to see us (gays) never marry, smile or exist. Over time, the Family Policy Council of West Virginia has gathered more than 70 ministers and support from the state's Southern Baptist Convention to do whatever they can.

And now they have a site called that have some interesting mess to say about us. But instead of telling you, I'll show you

Mark Montini created this mess. This man is trouble too, he brings drama everywhere he goes. I'm telling you, it's scary how stupidity is reigning supreme these days.


  1. What was the disposition in that Montini case? I see the last activity was the TRO was granted but it's now been four years and no additional activity in the case.

  2. Marriage was created so people could legally leave behind their property and riches to their heirs, not to mention the accumulation of wealth/power/status/diplomacy between two families.

    The church then realised by having this monopoly over marriage they could gain themselves a whole lot more wealth and power.

    Conceding to gay marriage would mean conceding ultimate power to the state, something the church cannot afford to do in this day and age wher logic, reason and personal happiness is beginning to shine through.

    So that's that.

    I'd really love to know how all these people know exactly what is that God wants. Is there some hotline somewhere I'm missing out on?
