Thursday, February 12, 2009

American Family Association: We Are Coming For All of You

I have hoped that someone besides little ole me, would attack the terrorists known as AFA. I blogged about this yesterday, wishing for something knock them out of the water.

Well, my prayers are answered.

The HRC unleashed their fury on the American Family Association's hatefulmerical, "Speechless: Silencing Christians". WOOD-TV said they will air the program on Saturday, but now the station has changed their minds. They are not airing the program!

WOOD-TV General Manager Diane Kniowski sent this announcement:

"We made a gesture of the 2-3 p.m. Saturday time period. It's been 24 hours and we had no response," Kniowski said. "Our station is being bombarded with calls and messages, and we find ourselves in the middle of someone else's fight. Ours was a fair offer and we are removing ourselves from this matter."

The HRC was on it! They encouraged their members to almost attack the station with emails and phone calls. I guess it worked.

The HRC prez, Joe Solmonese said, "I am so proud of our members who answered the lies and distortions of the AFA and stopped this campaign of hate and deception. Our community stood up and would not let those lies stand."

Good job, y'all. But get ready, I'm sure the AFA are coming back with something bigger.


  1. The AFA has its own issues right now. They don't have the money to do a paid spot. Awwww.
