Thursday, January 8, 2009

No DC Comics Movies anytime Soon

David Goyer, script writer, director, and comic lover, dropped some (I think) good news involving the upcoming DC Comic movies.

When asked about several projects he's been involved with - i.e. Supermax, The Flash - Goyer said in a recent interview with IESB, "A lot of the DC movies at Warner Brothers are all on hold while the figure out, they're going to come up with some new plan, methodology, things like that so everything has just been pressed pause on at the moment. It was the double header of both Iron Man and The Dark Knight coming out, so more than ever I think they've realized, I think DC was responsible for 15% of Warner Brother's revenue this year, something crazy like that, so they realized that comic books, it's become a new genre, one of the most successful genres."

Maybe this will get them to "think" about the story and product. Comic fans remember the casting for the Justice League movie, it was terrible and horrific. Then, the past ideas for Wonder Woman the movie, one in particular had the notion of Diana and Donna being spies (Great Hera).

If you want a great comic book movie, it needs to stick to the story we all fell in love with. Too many changes = failures and disappointments, then reboots. Yes, WB please take all the time you need to find the right writers, directors, studios, actors, and story for these movies. No more mess and no more flops. This is the measure to get it right. I applaud this move and I hope for the best.

1 comment:

  1. Comics are a medium goddammit, not a genre!!!!!!!!

    Here's my plan to save DC movies:

    - End Smallville. Start a Gotham Central TV show.

    - Birds Of Prey animated tv show, inspired by the book, not the doomed tv series!

    - Green Lantern as a franchise to rival Star Trek. A movie trilogy and then a Green Lantern Corps live action tv show.

    - No Justice League movie. A Teen Titans movie instead.

    - Wonder Woman movie to rival Captain America, i.e. set in World War 2.

    - A Superman reboot. no camp Lex Luthor, no bastard child, an actual supervillain.

    - More Nolan Batman. I want Catwoman as a thief like now.

