Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Prop 8 Info!

A new study from National Gay and Lesbian Task Force reveals that the whole 70% Black vote for Prop 8 wasn't that high.

An deeper look into the exit polls from 5 key California counties found that between 57% and 59% of Black people voted for Prop 8, which is a huge difference from the numbers reported days after the ballot passed. Religion, age, political party, and ideology played a much bigger role in the Prop. 8 vote.

In fact, this piece here gets into the ideology part a little bit more:

About two-thirds of the state’s self-identified conservatives knew someone who was gay and about 4 out of five of them voted for the measure – the same exact ratio of conservatives who voted for Prop. 8 but didn’t know an openly LGBT person. Republicans demonstrated a similar pattern, with about four out of five of them voting to pass the ban regardless of whether they knew anyone who was out or not.

Interesting...very interesting.

More info in here

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