Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year, Y'all!

Well, this year was something wasn't it?

I wanted to say thank you for an awesome 365 days. This blog grew a lot and I owe it all to you. Y'all have entertained, challenged, kept my ass in check and enriched me. I greatly appreciate everything I got from everyone.

This year, I met David Dust, Belasco, Mad Professah, Invisible Woman and Gay Comic Geek, maybe I will lucky and meet more of you.

What will the new year bring? Who knows, but I hope y'all will continue the ride with me.

Thanks again and have a Happy New Year!

Much Love,



  1. Happy New Year and best wishes for a wonderful 2010!

  2. Wonder, I wish you much love peace and happiness in the new year! It is such a pleasure reading your blog and also from hearing from you. Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!

  3. Mazel Tov my friend.

    And I love that shot of Storm - it's unbridled happiness - may you have that in the coming year.

  4. Happy New Year to you dear friend.

  5. Happy New Year Wondy!! Your blog is one of my first stops every day, if not multiple times a day. I love your content and interests! Keep it going, you are doing a Wonderful job! Have a great year!!

  6. I hope to have the pleasure of seeing you again in 2010.

    Happy New Year!!!


  7. Happy New Year and keep up with the great work!

  8. I wish you a very merry and happy new year. May 2010 bring you many blessings. Thank you for another year of great blogging. Keep on, keeping on. Peace.

  9. Happy New Year V! You have a fun, informative blog, I don't like to miss. Wishing you much happiness in the new year.
