Monday, January 12, 2009

Guy Fired because He's GAY

David Hill was fired from his job as the human resources director of The Artee Hotel. Was he stealing from the desk? Was he letting his friends stay for free? Was he having orgies in the presidential suite? No!

He was fired for being a big ole gay man. Yes folks in Brentwood, Tennessee, these things happen. But the funny part is his boss who fired him. Tarun Surti owner of this hotel said, 'I don't give a damn. They can sue me. I will not have any of the gays in leadership roles in my hotel.'

Yes idiots talk just like that in my home state. But here's the thing, although there are no protection from anti-gay discrimination in Tenneessee, Surti may have opened a can of leeches. The assistant general manager, Leonard Stoddard confirmed this madness on the news in Nashvegas.

He said Hill was fired because "he was gay." He said he was also the one who had to tell Hill that he was being removed from his position.

"The owner, Mr. Surti, comes from a culture that is not very tolerant to the gay lifestyle, and therefore he felt it necessary to have him removed from the workforce at the property," said Stoddard."

(He was fired) strictly because of his sexual orientation?” asked reporter Katina Rankin.

"I do believe that's a very fair assumption," asked Stoddard.

"Did you agree with his decision?" asked Rankin.

"I did not," said Stoddard.
"It is in our employee handbook that no one should be discriminated against, harassed verbally, physically or any other means for their sexuality, their sexual orientation, gender, race or anything of that sort."

See, that's the catch. If it's in the handbook, the employee handbook, that could be a problem for Surti. That handbook can hold up in a court of law. Hill can sue and win, because was fired for no legal reason or for any reason. If there's not documentation or progressive displicine, Surti can be in some trouble.

Folks down in Tenn-Tenn go to this hotel and protest. If this story is completely real, then boycott that hotel and confront Tarun Surti.

1 comment:

  1. I think this type of protesting would work far more effectively than the faux-testing done to the El Coyote lady.
