Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Get Ready for Constitutional Revolution

The fight for marriage rights continues as the supporters of Prop 8 strike at Jerry Brown. They believe that Brown's stance on the measure is a far-fetched theory.

The lawyers for the Protect Marriage Coalition states "The people have the final word on what the California Constitution says. The practical result of the attorney general's theory is that the people can never amend the Constitution to overrule judicial interpretations of inalienable rights."

Even if the amendment borders on discrimination or stupidity, should it be honored? Just wondering.

Also in the mix is Ken Starr, who believes Brown’s theory is "utterly without foundation in this court's case law" and "is not only unprecedented but contradicts the most basic understanding of the role of the judiciary in a constitutional democracy."

Brown basically cast off Starr and others who thinks he stance is crazy, and continues to believe Prop 8 is unconstitutional. So it seems the battle may not end quickly as we thought. However we will learn more about the law than we need to.


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