Friday, January 16, 2009

Get The F*** Out!!!!


  1. He conveniently forgets that the first and biggest terrorist attack on the United States occurred under his watch.

    Freedom to all nations huh? So what about Prop 8? That's not freedom.

    The Medicare Prescription Drug program was a give-away to big pharma, and faith based measures set off so many alarm bells in my head.

    That this fucker got to appoint two Supreme Court justices is appalling to me.

    One of the things I'd hope we in the U.S. would do differently is not let an ideologue like Bush ever get into office again.

  2. Yup, time to go... Don't slam the door on the way out...

  3. LOL. This title made me bust out laughing.

    Yeah, I'm ready for the bush phase to be done also.
