Friday, January 23, 2009

Gay Family ads won't be aired in L.A. created 5 30-second commercials featuring LGBT families expressing the message of marriage equality.

The ads aired the spots in 42 of the states' 58 counties, except here in Los Angeles, thanks to KABC.

Here's more on this issue:

The media buy was attempted by the organization's ad agency, New and Improved Media. Its CEO, Keith Fisher, was surprised that KABC rejected the group's money. Fisher said, "We usually only see this with risque content, as in a trailer for a movie." He added, "If KABC thinks they have to protect the public from this family, something's obviously very wrong over there."

Chris Yokogawa, the ad agency's media buyer, worked with the station, attempting to ease any concerns they might have. He said, "We went back and forth a couple of times. I explained that this family is far from controversial. They were firm in their rejection. They said it was too controversial to air during the Inauguration, since 'many families will be watching.'"

The ad aired across California on Tuesday -- before, during and after the Presidential Inauguration on Good Morning America, The Today Show, Despierta America (Univision) and Levantate (Telemundo) broadcasts, as well as on a wide range of regional news stations, CNN and FoxNews during evening coverage of the day's events.

Interesting to say the least. I can't help but to think there's something going on. However, I have the ad they wouldn't air


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