Wednesday, January 14, 2009

First, you love us. Now, you leave us, Kalamazoo

Sad news, folks. Just when you thought it was safe to hold hands and be LGBT and free, Kalamazoo rescinds the gay rights law. If y'all remember, their city commission made it an offense to discriminate against gays in housing, jobs, and public accommodations in December.

But the terrorist organization, American Family Association of Michigan couldn't stand it and presented some damn petition to throw shade. Because their signatures were legit, the commission voted, and rescind it just like that.

They did this within 6 weeks of the new law's existence. I guess it was the AFA's way of protecting the family. But how is stopping gay rights protecting the family? What is the logic behind that? I feel like we need to investigate AFA's purpose and see if they are violating a civil rights law or something. I just don't see any positive accomplishments coming from their practices...I'll stop because I'm ranting, but I want to know this: What do they hope to accomplish by taking rights away from other people?

1 comment:

  1. You are absolutely right - the AFA should be on the terrorist watch list.
