Thursday, January 15, 2009

Did the Mormons break Laws to pass Prop 8

A news site called, American News Project created an clip discussing how far did the Mormons go in securing Prop 8.

We know the money raised in support of Prop 8 played a huge part in its success. And the Mormon church has said time and time again they only contribute just a few thousand dollars on the 'Yes' campaign. They claimed not to be the full force behind it, but if you look at the websites and some media, their names are all over it.

As they continue to play innocent, American News Project has revealed some interesting info that could lead to the possible truth of the Mormon church's role.
Please check this out

Is this real? Will it be enough? We shall see


  1. Actually when it comes to lobbying the churches do have to file reports in most states saying what they spent on it.

    For example I know the Roman Catholic Diocses of Providence spends roughly $100K a year for lobbying activity.

    But here is a thought. We now what the opposition side spent on No on 8 campaigns.

    So we could conclude that the Mormons spent an equal or greater amount.

    But what we have to take into account is the intangible aspects. Their existing communication network with their churches is one of those already in existence.

    It's going to be sticky, but I truly think the Mormons overstepped their boundaries on this one and they're going to pay the price.

  2. I fear by the time people get around to investigating the mormons, there will be nothing to investigate.

    That webcast video the Mormons did for Prop 8, for example, is rapidly becoming a collectors item.
