Monday, January 26, 2009

Bad GOP joke?

What is this pulp free MESS? The RNC chairmanship is creating serious drama as the race heats up.

This was being circulated in some GOP's email, which proves how ugly this is getting. I wonder if they are trying to call out Katon Dawson, who was a member of a whites only club (yes they exist) or any other member with a similar situation.

South Carolina GOP spokesperson Rob Godfrey response:

Members of the national committee have come to disregard these anonymous attacks as sad attempts by cynical political insiders to manipulate the outcome of the chairman’s race. These attacks have proven to be as ineffective as they are uncreative. Those responsible for these attacks are clearly not interested in a Republican renewal and appear ready to embrace the failed political playbooks of the past. I hope candidates for chairman continue to hold their campaigns teams to higher standards than to circulate this material.

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