Saturday, January 3, 2009

Ann, Don't Hate on the First Lady!

GOP Harpy, Ann Coulter has a new book to torture us soon. And to stir up drama, the hateful heifer attacks Michelle Obama.

In her new mess, Guilty: Liberal "Victims" and Their Assault on America she says:

"Her obvious imitation of Jackie O's style - the flipped-under hair, the sleeveless A-line dresses, the short strands of fake pearls - would have been laughable if done by anyone other than a media-designated saint."

Girl please, you know if Michelle met you in the streets, she would knock your Zombie-looking ass out. Of course Ann's picking fights to sell books, but will someone put this human waste in the toilet. She's starting to stink.


  1. I for one would love to see a knock down, drag out cat fight between Michelle Obama and Horse Face. I suspect Horse Face would get her ass kicked and Michelle Obama would walk away looking like a rose.

  2. Like the harpy has any style herself. That media whore just needs attention, somehow she gets more street cred with her gang when people hate her.

  3. She is definitely the definition of a 'Hater'

    Ugh! She's the mouthpiece for stupid cunts everywhere.

  4. Somehow I think the First Lady can afford real pearls, unlike the anal beads Ann Coulter wears.
