Friday, December 12, 2008

T-Shirt Drama for Your Mama

How do y'all feel about this?

Urban Outfitters released this shirt recently and then took it off the market. There were some complaints, but nothing big to shout about.

Later, after acquiring minds wanted to know, a spokesperson for the company told New York Mag, "The T-shirt was pulled because it was not selling. This is a common practice because sales space is so valuable, especially in this challenging economic climate.The move was in no way indicative of a political agenda or our personal beliefs. In retrospect we wish that we had held onto it as a show of support."

But the shirt hasn't been out that long to really make that assessment. And it doesn't help that the founder and chairman, Richard Hayne has a record for supporting Repubs who are strongly against our rights. Could the removal of the shirts be economical as they say, or a bigger and covert reason? Who knows, but it's interesting to say the least.

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