Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Rod Baloney Sandwich's Secret List Exposes One Possible Person!

Great Hera! This is getting crazy, juicy, and down right sad. I hope this isn't true, I really do but as
Illinois Governor Rod Baloney Sandwich goes down, he's trying to take folks with him, including my fave, Jesse Jackson Jr.

Today, it's believed that little J.J. was one of the secret senate candidates. It's reported that he was willing to pay $1 millions dollars for the seat. Jesse Jr denied it and wasn't really aware of the goings on.

Please, let the info be wrong! I love Jesse Jr. and I hope this is a huge misunderstanding. Plus, I would think that Jesse Jr. would not put his career in muck for this. I like to think better of him, I really do. Let's just hope this investigation is done quickly and fair.

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