Friday, December 19, 2008

Ricky Thinks WE are a bunch of Horny Teens

My buddy NG posted this on his fabulous blog. While it sounds crazy, there are some who would agree. And I'm talking about fellow gay folks.

Some folks are saying that we send that message of being immature and irresponsible. I think our actions are questionable at times, but that's with any group or culture. I can't accept Rick Warren's views, but something happening when our folks are somewhat agreeing.


  1. I think Rev. Tubby is projecting.

  2. Our self-awareness and self-examination are in no way comparable to this asshole's uninformed, simplistic, dangerous, and just plain wrong characterization of gay men.

    I agree with Butch - Rick "Prison Pussy goatee" Warren is projecting. We should take up a collection to reward his male prostitute(s) for coming forward.
