Thursday, December 18, 2008

Question of the Day

Is Obama's choice of Rick Warren for the invocation a gut punch to gays?

Some think so, some do not. I would love to hear what y'all think.


  1. I don't see an alliance with anyone other than the AFA, the NRA, Hitler, or Satan as an affront to the gay community.

    Building bridges anyone? That's just me.

  2. I actually think he didn't think much about this. I think he went with a charasmatic choice. A gut-punch. I think so. Regarding Warren's view of homosexuality, like it or not, Obama is supporting him by allowing him to participate on a national level.

  3. it makes me concerned. but I also read he has a pro-gay minister also speaking at the event...looks like Obama wants to get a little of everyone in his corner.

  4. I think it was and it also was insulting and insensitive to do it.

    If he is trying to be so inclusive of people he "agrees to disagree" with, why hasn't he invited David Duke, the ex-grand wizard of the KKK to this event? I'm sure it must not be insulting to many blacks who grew up in the Jim Crow era and had to put up with those sick cowards hiding behind their white hoods and the discrimination of the times. Surely, no one will be offended inviting him to give a prayer. Many people do not understand why we are so upset over this. Why are we supposed to "suck it up" and be so understanding inspite of the insult? What if he invited someone who's presence would insult Jews? I think his committee with his approval made an huge mistake doing that to us.
