Saturday, December 6, 2008

Look at What I Learned in History Class, Mama

In Haverstraw Middle School in White Plains, a teacher used the worst teaching method to educate her students. In order to talk about the terrors of slavery, Eileen Bernstein (teacher of year)bound the only two black students' hands and feet with tape and asked them crawl under a desk to reenact slaves in the slaves ships.

One of the students was devastated and went home in tears. The mother of that student may be seeking action for this ridiculous event.

I couldn't make this up if I tried, folks.



  1. I heard this on the local news last night. That bitch shouldn't be teaching at a Doggie Obedience School, let alone a Middle School.

    And you know she's going to say that she had "no idea" that what she did was hurtful. Well Bitch, if you had no idea, then you are too stupid to teach.

    Education FAIL!


  2. The teacher get the dumbass of the year award for that one.

    By singling out the black students she sealed her fate.

    If she was smart she'd have done it to all the students. Then she'd have a peaceful day. :)

  3. Dumb ass! She used an activity that induced shock. There are so many activities she could have used to foster contemplation, empathy and a discussion of ethics.

    As an educator, I see more value in developing those skills than using a cheap stunt to engage my students.

  4. Wow - unbelievable. Who has "no idea" that binding students' hands would be at all problematic? And why single out the black kids?? Dang.

    As David said: huge Education FAIL . . . not to mention "explanation" fail.
