Friday, December 5, 2008

Keep on Walking, Eddie Walker!

Irmo High School principal Eddie Walker is a world class idiot!

When his school allowed a Gay/Straight Alliance group to exist, he felt that it threatened his values and said he will resign by the end of the school year.

However, he has a change of heart. The interim superintendent Herbert Berg got a letter from the cretin this week “indicating his desire to remain at Irmo High School.” In his first letter, Walker stated his dislike for the Gay/Straight Alliance group. He believed the club would be somewhat sexual in nature and felt that he couldn’t support a school that conflicted with the idea of an abstinence-based education.

Smart one, Eddie. But you forget, public schools are about education not religious beliefs or your silly values. But I’m curious about the change of heart. Queerty thinks the lack of jobs are steering him back, but I wonder if there’s a bigger issue.

If something happens like a hate crime, and a student dies, Walker’s actions could definitely be brought into play. His actions could send a message that under his leadership, they failed to deal with the needs of the students. Walker needs to know that it’s not about him, it’s about the students and if they want to be progressive, staff should support and not judge. This can define him as a bigot, which may hurt him if he wants to run for office someday. Also he may not want to be “that guy” in the midst of Obama-nation. With diversity making a comeback in this country, I'm sure he doesn’t want to be the figure of foolishness.

But still, I think the damage is done; Walker revealed his true colors. If the board review his status they should let him go. Under his guidance, that school is doomed. They need someone who thinks of the students’ needs and the real idea of education. So Walker, be a man and get out of the way.

1 comment:

  1. The Christians are really feeling their oats since the Prop H8 thing. I say we should push back as hard as we can and try to get this jackass fired.
