Thursday, November 6, 2008

Reality 2

This map shows the change in the country. Dems are growing (I think) while Repubs are shrinking.

Only 22% voted Republican

Obama won 9 states Kerry lost

Hispanics and Black were the change agents in this game.

A change is coming

1 comment:

  1. I note that a good portion of MA is pink, and RI is light blue.

    That accounts for all the McCain signs I've seen.

    It's funny - there's a house I walk by on the way to work in Braintree, MA that had a McCain/Palin sign out front. Day after the election I noticed it looked like it had been stomped down.

    Here in RI the core of the state is pretty much dark blue, it's only when you get out on the periphery where you get idiot McCain supporters.

    But it is encouraging to see so much blue on that map.

    BTW, my condolences regarding Prop 8. It's a mean spirited amendment and I think CA makes it just a little too easy to modify the constitution. Here in RI there are major hurdles to convening a Constitutional Convention.
