Sunday, November 16, 2008

Question about the Revolution

“Civil marriages are a civil right, and we’re going to keep fighting until we get the rights we deserve as American citizens."

Many argue that it's not a civil rights issue. But I wanted to know what do y'all it a civil rights issue or not?


  1. If it's not a civil right I would kindly like to know what it is.

    I think problem on both sides is that we are going too far in the comparison between the Civil Rights Era and this struggle for Civil Rights. The suffrage movement was also a push for Civil Rights, but when King was marching on Washington we did not make that literal of a comparison.

    The African-American community acts as if they have a monopoly on the phrase "civil right", and the queer community wants to easily to ride the same wave African-Americans did 40+ years ago.

    It is a civil right, that's obvious; but it is not comparable to the Civil Rights Era, I think.

  2. It's definitely, a civil and equal rights issue.

    As long as certain citizens have rights and certain others do not, it becomes a civil issue. I wish religion would keep its ugly claws out of equal rights issues. Hey, if a straight man doesn't want to marry a gay man, he shouldn't.;-)
