Sunday, November 9, 2008

No Boy Wonder

Merciful Minerva!

Someone had the good sense to stop the making of The Graysons, the story of Robin before Batman. Warner Bros. and C(crap)W was forced to drop The Graysons within a month's time by Jeff Robinov, who supported the messy idea at first.

According to studio insiders, Robinov has decreed that Warner Bros. "rethink its DC Comics strategy" and as a result didn't want to do anything big with a DC franchise at the moment -- at least when it came to "Graysons."

"The studio has opted not to go forward with the development of 'The Graysons' at this time as the concept doesn't fit the current strategy for the Batman franchise," the studio said in a statement. "Warner Bros. Television is currently working on several replacement options for the CW."

Thank the Goddess. That show would've ruin the Bat-legacy.


1 comment:

  1. Aww...

    And here I was, hoping they would make another Smallville! You know, that show that totally turned Superman into a twink running around with his shirt off.

    I don't want to see my Dick with teen angst! Shirtless, however, would be nice.
