Thursday, November 20, 2008

Has He even Read Anything besides Juggs and maybe...Unzipped?

Athena help me! Just when I thought it was safe, Joe the Plumber has a BOOK DEAL!

A BOOK DEAL! Who's going to read that? Well, some fool will I guess.

It's with a small, Texas-based publisher PearlGate Publishing. The book will be called, Joe the Plumber: Fighting for the American Dream (Ha!)

And it will address "Mr. Wurzelbacher’s ideas about American values" and be co-written with Thomas N. Tabback who writes crazy Christian books similar to Left Behind.

When Joe the S**thead talked about his deal, he said: he could have signed a deal with a larger publisher. “But they don’t need the help,” Mr. Wurzelbacher said. “They are already rich. So that’s spreading the wealth to me.”

Well, all I got to say to you Joe is this... With this money, pay your bills and go to college!

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